QX Tools Pro 7 MAC 1 user by
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Posted date: 2012-09-16
QuarkXPress is a serious production tool. It is for work that has to get done and on a deadline. After the words, images and illustrations have been crafted in other applications, agencies, publishers and pre-press houses rely on QuarkXPress to put it all together to produce magazines, books, annual reports and more. When you are in QuarkXPress, you need to work.
NEW! QX-Underline. The new QX-Underline tool provides you with a greater degree of control over how rules and lines interact with descending characters. This tool allows your rules and lines to automatically skip over characters such as g, j, p, q & y.
The benefit of using QX-Underline is that the Underline Styles command in QuarkXPress 7 does not allow for a high degree of control over your underlines. With this greater control you will have more creative freedom when designing your layout in Quark 7.
NEW! QX-SuperSelect QX-SuperSelect is a new selection tool that enables you to select multiple words in different places in a document and then apply a change to all selected words at once rather than having to make a single selection over and over again.
The benefit of QX-SuperSelect is that it enables you to select multiple words in different places in a document and effect a change on them all at once rather than having to make the selection multiple times and repeating the change (for example a style change).
NEW! QX-WYSIWYG. The new QX-WYSIWYG is a palette that displays all of your available fonts in their own typeface making it easier than ever before in QuarkXPress to see what your fonts look like before you apply them to your selected text.
The benefit of using QX-WYWIWYG is you will have an easy place to access all of your active fonts and more importantly, you can see what your fonts look like before you apply them to selected text in the document.
NEW! QX-DragAndDrop. QX-DragAndDrop allows you to drag and drop images and text documents directly into a QuarkXPress 7 document from the Mac OS X Finder or from Adobe Bridge. Say goodbye to navigating through folders in an import dialog box.
The benefit of QX-DragAndDrop is that you no longer have to rely on navigating through folders in the Import Text or Import Picture dialog boxes. Simply drag-and-drop files into the Quark document and picture boxes and text boxes will instantly be created and the image or document placed in the document.
NEW! QX-Tips&Tricks. QX-Tips&Tricks will provide new and advanced users with some great tips and tricks specifically for QuarkXPress 7 from the Quark guru and editor of Design Tools Monthly, Jay Nelson. Read more QX Tools Pro 7 MAC 1 user
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