Thursday, September 20, 2012

Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 PC

Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 PC by
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Posted date: 2012-09-20

Organise Tag photos by keyword--Tag pictures by people, places or events, then instantly access all your photos of someone or somewhere by clicking on their/its tag. Find photos faster than ever--Find photos in a flash using tag keywords, dates and other file information with the new search box. Group related photos into stacks for easy file location and clutter-free folders. A dedicated Project Bin provides easy access to all your open photos, photo book pages, and saved albums.

Create Design your own photo books--Quickly and easily create your ideal photo album with simple options to flip through pictures, view threads and rearrange pages. Add professionally designed, colour coordinated layouts and a range of frames or artwork effects for a personalised finish. Combine image elements for totally personalised pictures-- Take elements from different photos and combine them into new scenes. Add relatives to a family portrait, put a friend onstage with her favourite singer and more. Use Photomerge technology to combine features from different faces for entertaining results.Step-by-step creative guides--Use your photos to create cards, scrapbook pages, CD/DVD labels and more with easy to follow on-screen instructions.

See all your photos in one convenient place where you can scroll through them, apply visual keyword tags, and view and retrieve them fast--even if your library includes thousands of photos. Click to enlarge.

Edit New Smart Brush Tool--Select and transform specific image areas with a single sweep of a brush; get whiter teeth or bluer skies in seconds. Includes eight libraries with a choice of over 50 effects. Read more Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 PC

Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 PC Feature

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