Adobe Photoshop Extended CS3 Upgrade Edition PC by
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Posted date: 2012-09-22
Ideal for film, video, and multimedia professionals and graphic and web designers using 3D and motion, as well as professionals in engineering and science, Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended software delivers everything in Photoshop CS3 and more. Render and incorporate 3D images into your 2D composites. Stop time with easy editing of motion graphics on video layers. And probe your images with measurement, analysis, and visualization tools.
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Adobe Photoshop Extended CS3 Upgrade Edition PC Feature
Experience native performance on Intel and PowerPC based Macintosh computers, and on Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista systemsExperience smooth handling of 3D and motion-based content. Gain deeper insights from your images with new measurement and analysis tools. Boost your productivity with a streamlined interface, enhancements to raw-image processing and asset management workflows, and more. Achieve your vision with unrivalled power to edit, composite, and experiment. Edit non-destructively with new Smart Filters, which let you visualize different image effects.Create or modify images with a wide assortment of professional, fully customizable paint settings.Create more accurate composites by automatically aligning multiple Photoshop layers or images based on similar content.Easily render and incorporate rich 3D content into your 2D composites even edit existing textures on 3D models directly within Photoshop Extended and immediately see the results.Enhance video directly within Photoshop ExtendedExtract quantitative information from images with new measurement toolsFaster, more flexible asset management with Adobe Bridge CS3Process raw images with increased speed and superior conversion quality using the Photoshop Camera Raw plug-in.Enhanced Vanishing Point with 3D support.Import and export an even greater range of file formats.
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