Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cosmic Blobs Deluxe PC/Mac

Cosmic Blobs Deluxe PC/Mac by
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Posted date: 2012-09-25

Suitable for ages 7 to 14, Cosmic Blobs lets you create amazing 3D computer graphics that look like today's coolest computer generated cartoons and video games. It works like modeling clay on the computer and allows you to build fantastic 3D models with easy-to-use mouse controls and colourful decorating activities. Bend, pull, poke and flatten basic shapes into animals, vehicles, characters or anything else that can be imagined. Decorate any Blobs surface with paints, decals, patterns or your own photographs. Real computer animations such as hopping, slithering, and running bring the 3D creations to life in a world created by you. Read more Cosmic Blobs Deluxe PC/Mac

Cosmic Blobs Deluxe PC/Mac Feature

  • Incredibly fun computer game that works like digital modeling clay to bend, pull, poke and flatten basic shapes into anything
  • New version lets you import your own pictures or draw right on the surface of any 3D Blob model.
  • Decorate with tons of colours and decals, and perform real computer animations such as running, slithering and jumping
  • Save Blob creations as picture files (.jpg and .bmp) or movie files (.avi and .mov) for using in another creative program, e-mailing to friends, or printing out.
  • Buy Cosmic Blobs Deluxe PC/Mac Now

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