Friday, June 15, 2012

Designing Your Own EBook Cover With ECover Design Software

So, what's the big secret to designing a professional looking ebook cover on your own? All you need to do is get your hands on quality ecover design software. The program will do all of the hard work, and these types of programs are universally designed to be user friendly. Even if you don't have any type of background in art or design, you'll have no problem learning how to use ecover design software to create the perfect cover for your ebook.
You also have the option of purchasing a membership with the software provider, instantly allowing you to access all kind of helpful resources, like online message boards and instructions for using the software in case you find that you need help. Of course, as user friendly as the software is, chances are you won't need to do much troubleshooting in this area. It's quite simple, really. You just need to upload a photograph that you would like to appear on the cover of your ebook. This type of software includes more than 200 ebook cover styles to choose from, guaranteeing that with your personalized photo and graphics, your cover will be unique and entirely your own. With so many different styles to choose from, you're sure to find one that matches your design goals. Among the incredible selection of ebook covers, some even contain reflections. If you choose these, your ebook cover will appear three dimensional, giving it a more realistic look and increasing its appeal for potential buyers.
After choosing the shape and style of the ebook cover you wish to use and uploading the photo you have chosen for the cover, you then move on to the process of editing the cover. There are a variety of effects on the menu of the photo editor software, and you can do a number of things to customize your ebook cover. For example, you have the ability to customize the size of your work area and rotate or flip the image both vertically and horizontally. You can also change the contrast of the photo or make it appear lighter or darker.
Using your own ecover design software is an attractive alternative to paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for the services of a graphic designer. You simply need to buy a membership to one of the many ecover design software companies and get started making your own phenomenal ebook covers.
Thomas is a direct response marketing graphic designer. You can see his latest eCover Action Script Package at as well as the Online eCover Generator at
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