Saturday, June 16, 2012

DesignCAD 3000 Express

DesignCAD 3000 Express by Upperspace Corp
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SalesRank :10218

DesignCAD Express gives you the ability to create architectural drawings, engineering layouts, shop drawings, flow charting, home projects, and many other of your CAD needs. DesignCAD Express is easy to learn and use and contains many fast powerful commands making it the product for your needs. Read more DesignCAD 3000 Express

DesignCAD 3000 Express Feature

  • Precise Curve and Arc Control
  • Customizable Toolbars
  • Real-time Coordinates
  • Auto-Dimensioning Capabilities
  • Area Calculation
  • Over 50 Hatch Patterns

  • See More available at external websites.


    Reviews By "jacktar35" : Date 3 Nov 2002
    Have a look around at drawing programs and I think you will find this is one of the better ones. Lets make a distinction, we are talking home user not professional user with this level of sofware. DesignCad is a well produced program with many features, what is needed is time to read the hard copy manual and practice for proficiency. Programs such as this are great for home use or 'occasional' professional use, but repeated production use would be better done on Autocad R14 or similar. I find that using a larger monitor is helpful with CAd programs, saves too much screen scrolling. Registering a copy of DesignCad will enable the user to subscribe to the DesignCad free newsletter containing tips and tricks to make use easier, and the occasional patch or small upgrade becomes available from time to time. DesignCad has a large database of 'symbols' on disc for various drawing projects ranging from mechanical trades to architecture and electrical work and, believe me, these save a lot of time on the drawing. A drawback with this version is that there is no 3D rendering available, you can only design in 2D, another version is needed for 3D. You can export drawing files in a variety of types for use in other programs (such as web authoring), and filters exist for importing drawing files in different types, useful features. Hard copy user manual is a must for this type of software and DesignCad provide a good one with an extensive reference section.

    Buy DesignCAD 3000 Express Now

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