Adobe Premiere Pro Upgrade 1.5 Windows by Adobe Systems Inc.
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Adobe Premiere Pro software revolutionizes nonlinear video editing with real-time tools that provide precise management of virtually every aspect of your production. Frame-accurate control for short- and long-format projects enables precise results for every edit you make, and extensive import and export format support allows you to work without constraints. Built for exceptional performance on Microsoft Windows XP systems, Adobe Premiere Pro delivers the power and precision you need for any project, from corporate presentation to feature film.
Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 enables smoother workflow and enhances the quality of your production with a powerful Project Manager and new effects for video and audio. The latest professional hardware, software, and formats used by the video post-production industry are supported in Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5. Integration among the full suite of Adobe video production software products is better than ever, with Premiere Pro adding features that provide tighter workflow with Adobe After Effects 6.5, Adobe Photoshop CS, and Adobe Encore DVD 1.5.
Whether editing in an offline or online environment, for feature film or corporate presentation, Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 offers the professional tools and flexibility you need to produce results that get you noticed.
Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 offers:
Powerful Editing Tools Edit your video with the utmost efficiency thanks to the comprehensive set of real-time editing tools in Adobe Premiere Pro. Adobe Premiere Pro 1. Read more Adobe Premiere Pro Upgrade 1.5 Windows
Adobe Premiere Pro Upgrade 1.5 Windows Feature
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Reviews By Phil Clark : Date 30 Nov 2004
If you are looking for a serious NL (non-linear) video editing program for PC then look no further. Way ahead of the competition, Premiere Pro just gets better with this interim upgrade release. Short of using an AVID, this is the best NLE solution around, and you should expect to spend some time learning to use the program to get good results. An understanding of film/video editing theory is also advantageous. And of course you will also need a powerful PC - I'd recommend twin CPUs, easily 1.5GB RAM and about 1/2 TB disk space to work on complex DVD projects.
On the downside, Premiere can be pernickety about other applications and codecs installed on your system, and the supplied documentation is scanty - you may like to get a good guide book as well.
Reviews By "pklasson" : Date 13 Oct 2004
It says on the "Platform" overview that it works on all Windows versions - be advised it is XP only. Also, it needs at least 512 RAM and a big fat harddisk.
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